Omalaya Travel is happy to offer its customized Kalachakra tours to India to the devotees wishing to attend the precious Kalachakra 2017 Empowerment teaching. Omalaya-designed spiritual journeys are rooted in individual’s quest for self discovery and we incorporate the same outlook in designing the Kalachakra 2017 tour package. Omalaya Travel operated a successful Kalachakra tour to Ladakh in 2014. Omalaya-led devotees can receive Kalachakra initiation, teaching & empowerment under the expert guidance of tour’s spiritual guides like Geshe Tsering with Dr Chok and Geshe Lobsang with Tulku Phuljung.
Kalachakra is rarity as it is one of the most complex Buddhist teaching out there but still offered to the general public. Proper Kalachakra tantric initiation is required for the its practice like all Buddhist tantric systems. The receiver must possess certain qualities conducive for the smooth transition of initiations.
An ideal disciple should have experience of the three principal aspects of the Mahayana path: renunciation of Samsara, Bodhichitta, and understanding of Emptiness or at least be intellectually and spiritually be drawn to these concepts.
The most important of the three aspects is Bodhichitta, the desire for true, perfect enlightenment for the sake of others. Therefore, the primary mindset of a Kalachakra initiation recipient should reflect the thought “For the sake of all sentient beings I must achieve the state of Shri Kalachakra. Then I will be able to establish all other sentient beings in the state of Shri Kalachakra as well“.
There are eleven Kalachakra initiations
7 initiations of entering like a child:
The water initiation. This is analogous to a mother washing her child immediately after its birth.
The crown initiation that is analogous. to the binding of a child’s hairlocks.
The ribbon initiation is analogous to piercing a child’s ears and arraying it with ornaments.
The vajra and bell initiation, is analogous to a child laughing and talking.
The discipline initiation, it is analogous to the child’s enjoyment of the five desirable sense-objects.
The name initiation, analogous to the naming of the child.
Entering like a child initiation which is the mantra authorization initiation. This initiation empowers the disciple to eliminate obstacles and to achieve the magic powers of pacification, gaining prosperity, subjugation, and destruction.
3 exalted initiations
The vase initiation is the gnosis of bliss and emptiness that arises from the disciple touching the consort’s breasts.
The secret initiation is the gnosis of bliss and emptiness that arises from the disciple savouring the bodhichitta,
The wisdom-gnosis initiation is the experience of connote joy that arises from the disciple and consort themselves engaging in union.
1 most exalted initiation
It is also called “the fourth initiation” or “the word initiation” The previous great wisdom-gnosis initiation empowers the disciple to achieve the eleventh bodhisattva stage.
Then the guru symbolically indicates the Gnosis Body that is the integration of supreme unchanging great bliss and emptiness possessing the best of all aspects. Saying, “This is it”, the guru bestows the fourth initiation on the disciple.
This initiation empowers the disciple to obtain perfect Buddhahood in the form of Shri Kalachakra.
Tags: Kalachakra teaching, Kalachakra bodhgaya, Shri Kalachakr, renunciation, samsara, emptiness, bodhicitta, kalachakra tantra, tantric, Omalaya Travel, Kalachakra 2017 Kalachakra initiation